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Why manifestations fail

Updated: Jan 19

When I started becoming more aware of the world around me and how my thoughts were impacting everything in my life, I started to see the connections about how although some days it seemed like the whole world was against me; it was actually just me who was against me. This can be a tough pill to swallow sometimes. But there is no one up there cracking a joke at your life or sitting with popcorn watching as your patience diminishes. Your thoughts are what creates your experience.

Consider this scenario: someone accidentally spills hot coffee on your new suit. It’s easy to blame them and let this incident sour your day. But here’s where the Law of Attraction and personal empowerment come into play. How you react to this situation – whether you let it ruin your day or choose to move past it – is entirely within your control.

This isn’t about plastering a fake smile over every inconvenience. Authenticity in your emotions is vital. It’s okay to feel frustrated or upset. The key is not to let these emotions dominate your mindset or strip away your self-control.

In the realm of manifestation, your vibrational energy plays a crucial role. If you’re constantly emitting a frequency of skepticism or negativity, the universe will mirror that back to you. The Law of Attraction is impartial; it responds to the energy you project. This is why it’s essential to cultivate a mindset of positivity and possibility. Check out this digital workbook for achieving your personal goals and manifestation tips. Get it here.

But what about setting specific goals? Many people falter in their manifestation journey by placing rigid conditions on their desires. For instance, if you’re manifesting financial abundance, are you fixated on a specific job or the specific amount of wealth it brings? Clarity in your intentions is crucial, but so is flexibility in how they manifest.

In my own journey, I’ve learned the importance of aligning my desires with my true self, not what I’ve been conditioned to want. It’s about tapping into your authentic desires and having the courage to pursue them, even in the face of uncertainty or societal pressures.

When we try to manifest “more” or we try to manifest “fast”, what we are doing is aligning ourselves with the vibration of scarcity. If you’re focusing on something because you feel you don’t have enough at the moment then you are trying to attract the opposite of what you are putting out – which is that you don’t have enough.

By emitting a frequency of lack—whether it’s a desire for more wealth, love, or rapid success—we attract experiences that reinforce this sense of insufficiency. True manifestation isn’t about longing for what we don’t have; it’s about appreciating and recognizing the abundance already present in our lives.

You must also learn to accept the abundance and success you are trying to manifest. This will start in small things, allowing someone to buy you coffee. Accepting help and support, learning that you are worthy and important; these are the tricks that will help you align your frequency with the life you actually want, rather than with the life you are trying to escape.

Doubts about your worth or the universe’s support act as barriers to your manifestations. Cultivating a mindset of abundance, gratitude, and self-worth is key to unlocking the full potential of your manifestation journey.

If you’re wondering why your manifestations aren’t working for you, it is likely that you were not fully aligned with them from the start. At their core, the laws of the universe work based on what you truly believe and practice consistently and not really about what you “say” you want. The reason you haven’t manifested a million dollars, is probably because somewhere in your subconscious mind you don’t believe that it is actually possible, or maybe you don’t believe that you are truly worthy.

Whether it’s money or love or knowledge or whatever it is you feel that you want more of right now, I want you to ask yourself this; What believes do you have, consciously or subconsciously, that are preventing you from manifesting your dreams? Do you remember when those beliefs started? Can you figure out who put those thoughts there?

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