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Self Growth Through Dream Interpretations

Can dream interpretation be a valid method for self-growth?

My answer is Yes. But to answer the question of how it can be so...well, to be frank, I have no straight answers. All I can say is that the guiding hand of the  Soul/Higher self/Source/Spirit works in mysterious ways. An understanding of our dreams is the most direct way of tapping into this cosmic intelligence. This is one of the easier methods when compared to other means such as clairvoyance training and other psychic developments. The reason for this ease is because most of us dream!

dream catcher

Interestingly, dream interpretation can also be applied in other areas too. It can be and has been used successfully to interpret the symbols of our clairvoyant vision while in meditation. Understanding the symbology can assist one in bridging a transition onto higher and more abstract means of knowing.

There are certain skills that I feel are important for successful dream interpretation. One of which is a developed intuition. Unfortunately, this faculty is something that no dream interpretation book or website can have. It is something that only we ourselves can nurture.

Intuition is what binds and creates recognisable connections to the seemingly unrelated dream visions and symbols.This in turn structures the connections into a cohesive and meaningful message.

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Intuition is not mental reasoning. It is simply that inner knowing of feeling/sensing that is beyond logic and reasoning. Intuition is in fact a real cognitive process. Unfortunately our modern civilization is heavily ‘mental-rationalisation driven’ and therefore is not in the capacity to validate a higher order process such as intuition. In other words, we have been placing too much emphasis on logic, proving and reasoning.

Intuition sometimes doesn’t tell you the outcomes of events. In many cases, it is simply an inner knowing that explains and provides answers.

If the thoughts are those of how superior one really is and is smacked with elitism and pride, then one better take a closer assessment, before getting too carried away. These thoughts might not be intuitions. If they imply things like 'You will be rich and famous if you do this’ or ‘she must be wrong as I am smarter’, double check. That thought may be coming from the part of the ego/personality associated with body-mind survival.

Common Questions About Dreams

Every dreamer has asked questions about why we dream, and what those dreams mean. While every dream is unique to the person who dreams it, the world of dream interpretation is a rich, fascinating and exciting one. We have included here some of the most commonly asked questions about dreams and their analysis.


What is the significance of dreams?

Dreams have significance in the real world. Dreams are told in a symbolic language, and the images in dreams tend to contain hidden meanings and hidden messages. When analyzing and interpreting dreams, it is important to understand that the stories told in dreams are symbolic and not meant to be taken literally. The significance of dreams for each dreamer is a personal matter related to each person's experience and emotions.


Why do recurring dreams happen?

Recurring dreams are among the most common types of dreams. Most often, recurring dreams indicate that the dreamer has some issue that is not being confronted in his or her waking life. Examining these recurring dreams, and understanding what triggers them, can often allow the dreamer to resolve the underlying issue and banish the recurring dream.


Do most people dream in color?

Most people do dream in color, but many may not notice the colors in the dream world. Since color is such a natural part of our normal day to day experience, color may be overlooked in the dream world. In addition, because dreams fade so quickly, the sense of color may be the first thing to leave the conscious mind.


Do animals dream as well?

All mammals studied have exhibited the same brain activity that humans exhibit during dream sleep. Many scientists see this as proof that animals do in fact dream, although what they dream about is likely to remain a mystery.


How are dreams affected by our daily lives?

Any feelings or thoughts repressed during the day are likely to make an appearance in your dreams during the night. For example, if you wanted to show your anger to someone but were unable to do so, you may express anger to that person or a similar figure in a dream. In addition, those who have experienced traumatic events are often troubled by nightmares in which they relive that trauma.


Do men and women dream differently?

Men and women both experience the same brain wave activity during dream sleep. The content of the dreams of men and women do differ, however. Studies of dream content have shown that men tend to dream more about other men than about women, while women tend to dream about men and women equally.


Why do I remember only bad dreams and never good ones?

One reason is that the most vivid dreams tend to be those that are remembered, and nightmares are generally more vivid than good dreams. In addition, sleepers are often awakened by a particularly vivid nightmare, and waking during dream sleep means that the dream will most likely be remembered in its minutest details.


What does it mean to dream about dreaming?

Experiencing a dream within a dream may be a way to deal with items from the subconscious mind. A dream within a dream may prevent the dreamer from waking up prematurely, and they often are reflections of a critical issue that the dreamer needs to confront and gain control of.


Using a Dream Journal with guided prompts might help you understand the meaning of your sleeping thoughts, or if you prefer just tracking and noting down your dreams freely - use a standard notebook and keep it neat to your bed.

Trying to understand one dream in isolation is like trying to understand a person by spending one day with them. By recording all of your dreams in a dream journal you will, over time, find it easier to understand individual dreams you have in the future.


Dreams are like plays or movies that we create every night, and they have a similar structure. It can be helpful to look for this structure when trying to understand your dreams:


  • Location: Where does the dream take place? How do you feel about that place? What emotions arise within you as you think about it? Does it have any relationship with a real place you know?

  • Characters: Who are the characters? How are you presented? Who is the antagonist? How do you feel about each of those people (including the presentation of yourself), and how do they relate to parts of your own personality or to people you know?

  • Plot: How does the plot unfold? There is usually a beginning (where the story is established and begins to build), a middle (where a crisis peaks), and an end (where the crisis gets resolved though sometimes dreams don't provide the solution and end in the middle of the story because it is up to you to provide the resolution).


Sometimes (rarely) dreams can be very literal and they are easy to understand. There is nothing wrong with asking whether the face value of the dream may have meaning for you.


Most often, however, dreams are shrouded in symbolism that points beyond the literal image. They can be trying to communicate a very specific message that applies to your waking life, they may be merely trying to balance your emotional life or they may just be hinting at some thoughts or emotions in progress without any final resolution yet in mind.


Dreams are often messages from our subconscious mind that are resisted by our conscious mind. For this reason, the subconscious often cloaks the message in symbols so the dream isn't immediately rejected or simply avoided by the conscious mind.


Unraveling these symbols can be very difficult, but also a lot of fun. It's the ultimate mystery and the most elaborate puzzle, but the answer is always within you.

Check out The Dream Journal

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